Moritz Ellmann
a filmmaker and artist from Freiburg, Germany:
Analog film (filmkoop
Wien), documentary, digital media, photography and combining
other nearby and more distanced art disciplines, including political
and sociological phenomena were his approaches to art.
His works will be finished by Raphael Reichl, Andereas Reisenbauer and
Official homepage
Screenings / Filmfestivals (Auswahl):
10 Jahre filmkoop Wien, Filmmuseum (2019), Analog Layers, Foto Wien (2019)
Klang Licht Zeit // Licht Zeit Klang // Zeit Klang Licht, Stadtkino im Künstlerhaus (2018)
64. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, Filmprogramm „Labs“, Deutschland (2018) DREISECHSFUENF #03, Dessous Vienna (2018)